Thursday, September 4, 2014

Busy Busy Busy!

       Okay. Well, I haven't quite figured out how to blog every day... But I do think about it every day! I have had bunches of ideas, and I've saved tons of pics and activity notes to write about... someday. I am a stay-at-home-working-mom. I stay home with Little Bear, my two-year-old son, and I operate a home based child care. Every day is busy busy busy (imagining the magician in the Frosty movie. hehe!) getting my daughter and Z off to the school bus stop. My Love Bug is in Kindergarten! Then I get the boys, mine and J, fed and ready to drive J to Preschool at another local school… Then I head out to the library, a field trip, playdate, errands or to teach preschool to the little ones staying home with me and another child care. Of course it starts all over again around noon. Little Bear and I go pick up J from preschool, and head home for lunch and quiet/nap time. Then the “big” girls get home on the bus a bit later and it’s time for snack, play, and pretending to not be exhausted!
       Once everyone else’s kids have gone home, my husband arrives and there is dinner to be cooked, eaten, baths to be had, along with conversations, silly time, and the bedtime routine. Finally, the kids are in bed! I can eat some chocolate! Who am I kidding? I snuck a bite in between PJs and teeth brushing. At this point I’d like a big dessert, a hot shower, an hour of TV and some relaxation with my hubby… if I’m lucky I might get some of that… along with many requests for more hugs, more trips to the potty, and finding the toy that just fell behind the bed … Oh and maybe I should clean up a little.  At least Love Bug is exhausted and sound asleep after a long day at school! So, why don’t I blog while I eat my dessert? Because I’m taking graduate classes online to maintain my teaching certificate. Ugh!

Stay-at-home or working-mom, super-mom, single-mom, addicted-to-pinterest-mom, just-getting-by mom, or doing-the-best-you-can-mom… We are all busy ladies, just doing what we can to care for and love our kiddos. Good job! Have a great, busy day!

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Me & A Blog

Hi there! I am Jamie and I'm going to give this blogging thing a try!
I am a certified teacher, turned stay at home mom/daycare provider/preschool teacher/tutor/direct sales consultant... Basically, whatever I can do to squeeze out some time at home with my kiddos and still contribute to our family's budget!

I've taken care of kids since I was still one myself. Starting around age nine, when my little brother was born, I became self proclaimed mommy #2. Then, at age thirteen I started babysitting for families in my neighborhood. In high school I enrolled in the Child Development Program. I have a knack for kids, educating them, crafting with them, making file folder games... it was perfect! I continued on this track...
Earned my 90 hour Certificate for Preschool my senior year (I had no clue how awesome that was)...
Enrolled in my local community college for Elementary Ed (much to my dismay initially)...
Took my Associates with me to enroll in my State University, and earned my Bachelors in Elementary Education...
Along the track I met my true love (high school sweethearts), dated for years, got engaged, planned & executed a wedding, and found out I was pregnant with our first child! (I'll tell that story in better detail another day).
So, I applied and was (finally) hired to teach in a public school. I put my certification and degree to use in the public school for four years. Just long enough to have two amazing children, and turn my second maternity leave into an indefinite one.

When I considered the cost of putting two children in day care, I had an epiphany (or so I thought)... I am HIGHLY qualified to do that myself! I could stay home with my kids and a couple others and get paid to play, and explore on our own schedule. So, I've been home for almost two years, I've established myself as a licensed Child Care Provider, and I've taken up a couple other jobs to keep making ends meet.

Most of the time I feel like I'm just getting by... counting down the minutes till the kids are in bed and I can plop down with a piece of delicious chocolate. That said, at least once a day I have a successful mommy or teacher moment... and those will be my positive posts! I look forward to telling you more about me, my children, & our adventures and successes... as well as my frustrations, and failures.
Fair Warning- I use too many of these () and these , and these ... and these ! But I hope you get the message and enjoy my posts :o)